Kabuto Helmet Daisho Kake
This replica of a Samurai helmet is superbly constructed, beautifully detailed and a great value. It's based on a museum piece of unknown provenance, doubles as an exquisite stand for a katana and wakizashi set. It is equiped with a leather liner (ukebari) allowing them to be worn. A Custom-designed wooden display stand is included. This museum-quality reproduction of this archaeological treasure have been hand-crafted by the metal smiths of Hanwei with exacting attention to detail. More information...
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Kabuto Helmet Daisho Kake
Key Features and Specifications:
- Premium quality made by Hanwei (Paul Chen)
- Great decorative piece of Japanese art
- Authentic styling
- Fully wearable
- Weight: approx. 3.4 kg
- Incl. wooden stand
Specifications may slightly vary from piece to piece.