Long Double-edged throwing ax


Unlike knives, most small axes can be thrown reasonably well, even if they weren't designed to be thrown. Furthermore, if an axe is thrown, it may rotate faster than a knife thrown in the same way, owing to the greater part of weight in the head of the weapon. Note that a throwing ax can cause severe injuries! It does not belong in the hands of children! More information...

€61,00 excl. VAT
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In stock 1 pcs
Item physically stored in our Warehouse in Kadan
, dispatch on: Tomorrow 12-Mar-2025

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Edge: sharp (0,5-1,0 mm), not for HEMA!, Steel: not hardened construction steel DIN USt37-2 | GOST St2kp (may get deformed in use)
1 pcs
1 pcs

Long Double-edged throwing ax

  • 21.5*11.5cm - approx. size of the axe head
  • 55.5cm - approx. shaft length
  • sharp edge!
  • 892 g - approx. weight

Instructions for use:

  1. Before you throw the ax, make sure that it is not damaged or soiled.
  2. Do throw with put on leather gloves to protect your hands from abrasions.
  3. Before you proceed to throw, create enough space around yourself (at least a circle with a radius of 2 meters) and always see to it that nobody is standing beside or in front of you!
  4. Choose a target from soft materials (such as soft woods or special target boards of hi-tech materials). Avoid throwing on living trees or soil.
  5. The distance from the target should correspond with your skills and experience. Acceptable is a distance of 5 meters and more.
  6. Remember that the ax sometimes misses the target and bounces off of objects around the target.
  7. Sharpen a damaged blade with a diamond file.
  8. After use, make the throwing axe dry and clean. Then you should oil it to preserve from rusting. Acceptable is e.g. the oil  WD40.
  9. Keep your throwing ax out of reach of children!

Guarantee for breaking a throwing axe

A throwing ax is extremely stressed when throwing on the target. Critical is the sudden slowdown, whose character depends in particular on the exerted throwing power, material stiffness and structure of the target. Breaking of a throwing ax cannot be completely ruled out at such use. We experimented with different steels as well as with their heat treatment. We were able to break all throwing axes! The warranty for breakage refers exclusively to steel defects, such as hairline cracks. Throwing axes are always exposed to tear and wear. We will swap (or reimburse) your ax for free if it breaks due to a material defect. In such cases, a material defect is clearly visible on the steel fracture surface. In such cases do not hesitate and send the ax back to our address. A break of the wooden handle is also excluded from the warranty! A replacement wooden stock can be bought in hobby markets such as Hornbach, OBI, Baumax, UNIHobby, etc.

5-May 2018
Mike W
verified review
Die Axt ist nun schon über 1 Jahr in Gebrauch. Sehr gute Qualität, einzig der Stiel musste ersetzt werden, da der Original zu locker sass. Dies war aber kein Problem. Die Klinge ist nach zig-Würfen immer noch scharf. Die Doppelaxt macht Spass und ich kann sie gerne weiter empfehlen!

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