Hand-and-a-half Dagger with scabbard
This is the companion dagger designed by Cold Steel® to match their Hand-and-a-half Sword (Product No. CST-88HNH): Scaled down in size but almost identical in appearance, this dagger is designed for cutting and thrusting but is also sturdy enough to perform efficiently as a defensive weapon. The grip is fashioned out of wood covered with black leather and the butt is capped with a beautiful scent-stopper pommel. More information...
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Hand-and-a-half Dagger with scabbard. Companion Dagger to Cold Steel®'s Hand-and-a-half Sword
- Material: 1060 high carbon steel blade, leather-wrapped wooden handle
- Overall length: approx. 49cm
- Handle length: approx. 16cm
- Blade length: approx. 33cm
- Blade thickness: approx. 6.35mm
- Weight: approx. 496 g
- Including leather-covered wooden scabbard with steel fittings
- Cold Steel® Product No.: 88HNHD
Each one-and-a-half-handed dagger reflects the highest standards in workmanship and materials and comes fully sharpened and ready for battle.
To safely house the blade, Cold Steel® has also included a very attractive wooden scabbard covered with black leather and ornamented with a throat and a chape made of steel.
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