Peasant flail, 13-15 cen
This long version of the flail is remarkable by its wider range. It could be used in fight against riders or from the corral. This kind flail features anti-personnel spikes embedded in the striking end. Such flails were used in the German Peasants' War in the early 16th century. Several German martial arts manuals or Fechtbücher from the 15th, 16th and 17th century feature illustrations and lessons on how to use the peasant flail (with or without spikes) or how to defend against it when attacked. The spiked striking end of a hard oak wood is reinforced with metal for a higher resistance. A robust and penetrative spike forms a tip of its striking end. Source: Vladimir Dolinek, Jan Durdik: Historicke zbrane, 2008, ISBN 978-80-206-0918-2. More information...
Recommended offer
Peasant flail, 13th -15th century
- Total length approx. 1865mm
- The wooden pole has a diameter of approx. Ø 31mm and is approx. 1800mm long
- Length of the chain approx. 250mm
- Specification of the striking end:
- embedded 18 spikes of Ø 8mm
- diameter of the wooden core approx. 69mm
- Length approx. 184mm
- The front robust spike has a diameter of approx. Ø 24.8mm and is approx. 50mm long
- Total weight of the flail approx. 1960 g
Due to manual finalization, the specifications given above may vary slightly from item to item. Made in the Czech Republic.
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