One-handed ball-and-chain flail, 13-15 cen

This ball-and-chain flail is available with one or two heads / spiked balls, with short blunt or longer pointed spikes. The wooden handle is made of ash wood. Source: Vladimir Dolinek, Jan Durdik: Historicke zbrane, 2008, ISBN 978-80-206-0918-2 More information...

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One-handed ball-and-chain flail, 13. - 15. century

  • Total length approx. 565mm
  • Diameter of the wooden handle approx. 32mm
  • Length of the wooden handle approx. 485mm
  • Length of the chain approx. 230mm
  • Diameter of the spiked ball approx. 48mm
  • Each head / ball has 9 thorns with approx. Ø 10mm
  • Version with long, sharp spikes: The spikes stick approx. 23mm out of the ball; Total weight approx. 840 g
  • Version with short blunt spikes: The spikes stick approx. 10 mm out of the ball; Total weight approx. 1092 g (2 balls)

Due to manual finalization, the specifications given above may vary slightly from item to item. Made in the Czech Republic.

The ball-and-chain flail was primarily considered a peasant's weapon, and while not common, they were deployed in Germany and Central Europe in the later Late Middle Ages. Actually, it is a morning star, in which the head is connected by a chain with the handle. This type of flail became famous in Bohemia by the Hussites in the 15th century. These weapon proved effective in action against increasingly stronger armors of mercenaries. Thanks to the chain, the impact on the enemy armor was not transferred back into the handle. 

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