Replica of an Italian helmet (transition from Barbute to Sallet) based on the very attractive A75 helmet in the 'Corinthian' style (Milan, Italy approx. 1455). The original helmet is kept at the Wallace Collection in London. From the beginning of the fifteenth century, Italian artists of all kinds, including armourers and weapon-smiths, were fascinated by the culture of ancient Greece and Rome. It is this revival of the interest in the classical world which gave birth to the renaissance, which was expressed not only in painting, sculpture, and literature, but also in the art of weapon-smiths and armourers. More information...
Milan Barbute-Sallet, c. 1455
This helmet is a beautiful expression of this movement. The form was clearly inspired by the bronze helmets worn by warriors of the ancient Greece. The unknown armourer, who made this bold piece, has improved his form and execution. The entire design and the harder carbon steel improved the protection of the head. Its graceful curves and elongated profile are typical of the Italian armour of the fifteenth century.
- Weight approx. 1950g (1,5mm thickness)
This Milan Barbute-Sallet can be made to measure after your measurements ‘1a’ to ‘1j’ in this measurement chart.
Please read our instructions, how to determine a helmet size correctly.