The War Between the States, the American Civil War

Do you like history? Are you fascinated by the period of the American Civil War? Do you participate in the reconstructions of historical battles? If so, you will be certainly interested in our offer of products inspired by this part of the American history. They are weapons, costumes, boots, horse blankets, tents and chess pieces.

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The War Between the States, the American Civil War

The American Civil War lasted from 1861 to 1865. Eleven southern states formed the Confederate States of America. Those states wanted larger autonomy and wanted to separate from the rest of the Union. Other states didn’t agree with it of course. This is why this war is called the War Between the States. Another reason for this war was the abolition of slavery with which the South disagreed. Southern planters believed that it would not be possible to get white helpers for hard work in a hot climate.

The War Between the States cost many lives. Finally South was defeated. The central government was strengthened and the slavery was abolished. US citizens gained more civil liberties; the territory of the U.S. was expanded; the national economy also boosted gradually, including the South.

This war became a frequent theme for many books.  You may know the adventure novel “North Against South” by Jules Verne or the romantic historical novel “Gone With the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell.

If you are interested in the days of the American Civil War, you´ll certainly find what you're looking for in our e-shop. You will find here weapons, costumes, boots and other products inspired by this wartime. You can see here beautiful dresses or men's military uniforms, trousers and coats.