
Many of us are still fascinated by the phenomenon of the Knights Templar, their devotion strong will, fighting spirit, education, and at that time great power. We are aware of your interest in this topic and offer products that remind us of this important and brave order.

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Templars count among the most famous military orders of the Western Christian. It was one of the biggest and most powerful Christian military orders of the Middle Ages. With its power and size they could equal to just only order the Knights of Malta or the Teutonic Knights. The organisation existed for nearly two centuries during the Middle Ages.

If you are an expert in Templars, chess pieces on their motives will surely please you. If you keep their history in particular esteem, you will be delighted by replicas of Templar swords. Templars were armed with swords and shields, some of which you can find in this section.

If you want to reenact a Templar knight, you will like to wear some of our tabards, coats or adequate footwear. Sign of the Order were white coats, soon followed by the famous red crosses. Black or brown clothing with a red cross was worn by monks, chaplains and turkopols.

Templar banners will fit to interiors stylised to Templar themes. The original task of the Templars was to provide security for the crowds of pilgrims traveling from Europe, from the port of Jaffa, to Jerusalem after its seizure. Experience the uplifting feeling of a Templar spreading the faith and protecting Christians. Our numerous artefacts will help you!