Gothic style, the Middle Ages

Are you interested in medieval times of valiant knights devoted to their lords? Are you fascinated by the daily lives of people in Middle Ages? Are you attracted by the dark gothic times? If so, you will certainly be excited about our extensive range of medieval and gothic costumes, shoes, weapons, Gothic armour, leather and forged products inspired by the Middle Ages.

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Gothic style, the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages began around at the time of the fall of the Western Roman Empire (year 476) and ended around at the time of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus (year 1492) or of the publication of 95 theological theses by Martin Luther (year 1517). The term “Gothic” describes the art style that emerges in the time between the 2nd half of the 12th century to the early 16th century. Gothic follows the Romanesque style and precedes the Renaissance. Gothic architecture is characterized by an emphasis on verticality. The same emphasis can be found in the Gothic style of dressing.

Gothic fashion is characterized by elongated, slender and pointed shapes. First tailor’s guilds were formed and tailor masters sewed clothes to requests and measure of the nobility. The female build bent to the letter "S" was in fashion during the Gothic style. Bodices, necklines and long skirts with train were worn. Unmarried girls wore simple hairstyles, married women wore headgears witch framed their faces and covered their necks. Men dressed in shirted tunics, tight coats, set-in sleeves and pelerines with hood. Men and women wore simple clothes decorated by various trinkets. You will find Gothic and medieval costumes for women, men and children in our e-shop. We sell clothing for medieval craftsmen, musicians, re-enactors, archers, monks, noblemen and noblewomen. You can also choose from different quilted tunics, tabards, women’s gothic dresses or wedding dress.

You will also find a wide range of Gothic and medieval boots, leather and forged products, medieval armor and medieval weapons here.

Warriors riding on the horseback were called as the knights in the Middle Ages. Heavy metal outfit of a knight consisted of a (full-suit of) armour, a helmet and a shield. Medieval knights were armed with swords, daggers, spears, sometimes also with axes, hammers and maces. Medieval knights were brave, loyal and generous.