Tin soldiers

Our pages are especially dedicated to the Middle Ages. From this time come the templates of our tin soldiers. Maybe this category should be named as tin knights or tin warriors because among our tin soldiers are mostly knights, warriors and other contemporary fighters. Although the authors of the tin soldiers drew from historical sources, they are no exact historical replicas.

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Tin soldiers

The tin soldiers offered here are very well handcrafted. They are cast from hard tin alloy that is highly resistant. But if a tin soldier falls from your hand onto the ground, its sticking-out-parts as halberds or swords could get broken off. That is why it is recommended to put them in a showcase where small children have no access.

It should also be noted here that out toy soldiers are not a toy for small children. They are just decorative collectibles for lovers of history. Check out our Knights Figures made of resin and the suits of armor in original size.