Horsemen Gear
Swords and horses were essential parts of the equipment of medieval knights. Knights and horses also used plate armour as a protection against injuries in fights and battles. In this section you can find horse trappers, swords designed for riding, horsemen bows, horsemen armor, boots, spurs and whips.
Horsemen Gear
Outfit for Horses and Horsemen is a category that selects special products from our wide offer. Horses always played an important role in the human history. They were hunted for meat in the prehistory (we are still eating horse meat). The horse was domesticated later; it was used to pull a plough or heavy carriages. It can be even described as a means of transport. Horses were used (and still are) in special transport and agriculture. They were important also in the military. Horses take part in leisure activities of people like hunting, races and re-enactment (jousting tournaments).
Our website is focused on persons interested in the military history. That is why we offer products designed to protect the warrior and his horse (riding armor, caparisons, riding boots, chamfrons). However, there are also products for a better warrior´s efficiency during the fight (horse bows and other riding weapons, spurs and whips).
Our outfit for Horses and Horsemen can be used during various historical battle re-enactments, theatre performances, film screenings and other historical events. Have a look, and even if you do not buy anything, we are sure you will find many interesting things here.