16th - 18th century Swords

Do you go in for re-enactment and historical fencing? Are you interested in historical weapons? Have a look at our wide range of Renaissance and Baroque Swords. Our swords are elaborated in detail and of a high quality. They have a beautiful design. They are used for re-enactment and decoration of historically stylized interiors.

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16th - 18th century Swords

By the end of the 19th Century were used in the upper strata of society as a weapon for the discharge of sword duels . The duel between officers was performed with the usual weapon of their troops , they were usually sword , which had a brass belt-hilt and a guard. The duel was carried out among civilians with the sword as well.

A special form of the sword that allowed concealed carry as a walking stick, called swordstick. The gallantry sword belonged to suit of every educated. It was carried on the shoulder or fastened by hooks on the waistband . Also for civil uniform of a soldier, sword was worn in a leather sheath.

Only by officers and the heavy cavalry was armed by this sword since the beginning of the 19th Century were guided. Even today, there are various armies in military academies and dress uniforms accompanied by a ceremony form of this sword.