Modern outdoor axes

Axes have been used for thousands of years. Vikings made their axes as early as in the Bronze Age, as they greatly facilitated their lives. They could not only process wood with their axes, but also fight against their enemies.

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Modern outdoor axes

Today we can characterize modern outdoor axes as a kind of tool intended for the stay in the countryside (such as camping). Miner works in the house and in the garden can be done with them as well.

A good ax must be lightweight, if you are to hold it in your hand all day long. It is also practical if it can be worn on the belt or on the backpack. At the same time, it has to be robust enough to be an effective tool. With a good modern outdoor ax you should be able to cut down trees, split wood and at the same time make way in the dense forest. An universal ax can even serve as a pimple. Some outdoor axes have a hollow handle, where saw, lighter and possibly other utensils are concealed.

The handles on the shaft can be anatomically shaped. They are made of different sorts of hard wood (e.g. hickory), but preference is given to durable nylon fibers. The ax head is often forged from steel. The modern outdoor axes from our range are usually supplied with a leather or nylon sheath. At the end of the shaft there may be a string so that you can attach your ax to your wrist.

You have to sharpen the ax regularly like a knife. The axe head should be treated with mineral jelly or a preservative, which protects it from corrosion. As with other things, if you want the outdoor ax to last long and well, you should handle it well and clean it and preserve after each use.