
Protection of hands was composed of gauntlets, plate arms and the plate shoulders. We offer finger gauntlets and mitten gauntlets in this category. Finger gauntlets were parts of the German plate armour. Mitten gauntlets were parts of the Italian plate armour. Choose armour that you need! You will find here everything!

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Plate gloves are important part of armour of knights. Their function is to protect the hands. Hands were quite vulnerable points of the human body during the fight.

Individual plates were riveted on the leather strips to the mobility of the hands and fingers were not too limited. Leather gloves protected the inside of the hand. Some models of gauntlets had thorns at the end of a ring finger, index finger and thumb. Slight injuries (e.g. on faces) could be caused by these thorns. Finger gauntlets and Mitten gauntlets are made. You will find both types of gauntlets in range of our e-shop.

Every sensible knight or warrior protected his fingers and hands. Fiore dei Liberi was Italian master of martial technique in the 15th century. He used gauntlets during all fights. Gauntlets are most complex and most beautiful parts of plate armour. Our gauntlets are made from cold-rolled iron plate that is not corrosion resistant. Good care is needed for gauntlets and also other parts of armour. Gauntlets are usually made tailored. We guarantee the functionality and mobility of the gauntlets!