Sabres and Falchions

Are you interested in history? Or even are you a collect of (replicated) historical weapons? This category presents sabres, falchions and other related bladed weapons. Here you can find European sabres, American sabres, oriental sabres, pirate sabres, champagne swords, falchions and dussacks. Expand your collection or weaponry!

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Sabres and Falchions

The sabre is classified as cutting weapons. The blade of a sabre is curved and single-edged but can be also straight and double-edged. The sabre is of oriental origin. Sabres appeared with the arrival of the Hungarians in Europe during the 10th century. It was very popular in the history. It was used from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 20th century. Sabres were frequently used during the Napoleonic Wars in the 19th century. Sabres are typical weapons for light cavalry. Hussars are well known to have fought with sabres, e.g.

The length of sabres varied, and most were carried in a scabbard hanging from a shoulder belt known as a baldric or from a waist-mounted sword belt, usually with slings of differing lengths to permit the scabbard to hang below the rider's waist level. Sabres and falchions are only used for ceremonial purposes in these days.

Falchion is a one-handed, single-edged sword. It is shorter than a sword or sabre. The blade of falchion is quite wide. It can be straight but also curved. Falchions were frequently used in the 17th and 19 century. Falchions were used by hunters during hunting, merchants for their defence and thieves and robbers when thieving and robbing. Falchions were also used for executions of condemned persons.

You will find many types of sabres and falchions in this category: European sabres, American sabres, oriental sabres, pirate sabres, champagne swords, falchions and dussacks.