How to Wrap Katana Handle: A Photo and Video Guide

One of the most important parts of a Japanese katana is the hilt (Tsuka) which is wrapped with the “Ito” cord. The outer wrapping of the handle provides a non-slip grip, ensuring the wielder has a full control of the sword. We will give you tips on how to wrap your katana handle correctly.
Why Proper Wrapping Is Important
Properly done wrapping enhances the grip, stability and control, thus making the use of the weapon safer. The wrapping provides a cushioned surface that helps prevent slipping, especially when the wielder’s hands are sweaty, or when the cord loosens or begins to unwrap.
The cord wrapped around katana handle also increases the aesthetic appeal and ads to the katana’s beauty. The specific pattern of the wrapping can add a personal touch to each individual weapon, making it easy for you to differentiate it from other weapons. If you order a new customized Japanese sword from a specialist swordsmith, you might still be able to choose the colour and the material of the handle wrapping.
DID YOU KNOW... there are craftsmen in Japan, called “Tsukamakishi”, who specialize in the decoration and reinforcement of katana handles? These craftsmen attach the fittings to the handle, and they wind the cord around it, which can be made of leather or silk.
Basic Information and Tools You Need
Before you get started with wrapping the handle, you need to prepare for the process. The list of tools and supplies can vary depending on the materials used and the method.
But in most cases, you will need the following:
- Ito - the cord or thread used for wrapping the katana handle.
- Menuki - decorative fittings used under the wrapping that improve the grip.
- Tsuka - katana handle (Japanese sword can be disassembled into individual parts).
- Scissors or a sharp knife - for cutting the cord.
Other optional equipment that can come in handy:
- Handle stand - for securing the handle so it doesn't come loose during the wrapping process.
- Double-sided tape or glue - for gluing the knots. A piece of tape or glue will stop the cord from fraying.
Katana Handle Wrapping Steps
1) Attach the Menuki.
2) Tsuka Ito (cord) - twist the left end cross the left end 2 times and place it to the right.
3) Twist the right end 2 times and place to the left. Then flip the handle and repeat the process on the other side.
4) Twist the left end 2 times again and place it to the left.
5) Twist the right end 2 times again and place it to the left. Flip the handle and keep going. Only this time, you will start from the right side.
6) Continue wrapping, switching sides. Keep placing the Menuki as you go.
7) All done!
8) Finish the wrapping process by making the Japanese knot, which is shown in the video below.
Katana Handle Wrapping (Video)
If you have the necessary things you need, get started! The following video will demonstrate how to wrap your katana handle:
And one more demonstration, this time using paracord:
Three Practical Tips for Beginners
Wrapping the katana handle is an art, and it takes time to master. If you are trying this for the first time, remember:
- Mastering traditional art of tsukamaki takes time and patience. We know from other fans of Japanese swords that their first wrapping process took about three hours. However, once you've done the whole process once, it will be much easier the second time around!
- The wrapping cord must not make the grip more difficult. The katana handle wrap should be tight, so that it doesn’t come loose when you use the sword.
- Make sure to keep a consistent pattern. The result will be both functional and aesthetic handle wrap.
DID YOU KNOW... regular maintenance of the katana ensures that the sword lasts a long time? Check out one of our previous articles dedicated to correct maintenance of katanas.
We wish you good luck with the wrapping process. And if you're looking for a wrapping cord that you can rely on and that will give your katana a personalized touch, have a look at our handle wraps!