Articles: Vikings

Mighty Rulers of Asgard: The 4 Most Powerful Norse Gods
Norse mythology was an integral part of the Viking culture. Many historical sources suggest that the Vikings worshipped as many as sixty gods: some of them played only a marginal role in the ancient Norse mythology, others became a central part…

Thugs as Well as Diplomats: The 4 Most Famous Vikings in History
During the Middle Ages, many parts of Europe were plagued by raids from various warring factions. But very few have inspired such terror among their enemies as the mysterious seafaring Northmen. The Vikings were described by observers as ruthless…

Who Were the Fearless Varangians?
Did you know that some Viking groups formed alliances and friendships with Slavic nations? Viking expeditions were not only headed to the West. They travelled down the many waterways of the eastern Baltic Sea, into modern Eastern Europe and Russia.…

The Life of the Vikings: From Settlements to Sea Journeys
The harsh Nordic lands were too overpopulated, pushing the Vikings out into the open sea in search for new lands, where they founded new settlements - the British Isles, north-western France and many other places. The descendants of the Vikings…

Viking Weapons and Armour
The first states began to emerge on European territory in uneasy and difficult times. The Iberian Peninsula was dominated by Muslims, and various nomadic tribes poured in from the eastern steppes. As if it weren't enough, the Vikings began invading…

A Long Knife That Could Surprise the Opponents: The Magical Seax
For the Vikings, seax was a reliable weapon of last resort in combat. Seax, also called sramasax, was an inconspicuous long knife at first glance, but it could catch enemies off guard. Long knives were very popular among the Northerners, maybe…

Sword, the Most Valuable Viking Weapon
People commonly associate the Vikings with violent savages raiding more civilized nations around them. Only a few people know that the Vikings were also established traders and craftsmen. The skills of some Viking blacksmiths were so extraordinary…

Vikings: How Historically Accurate is the Series?
Confident and violent warriors with axes and shields who raided wide areas of Europe. They fought like one nation. So are the Vikings portrayed in the popular series from Canadian-Irish co-production. “Vikings“ (2013) has fans all around the globe.…

Vikings arms
The Vikings were Germanic tribes based in northern Europe, the ancestors of present day Norwegians, Swedes and Danes. In early medieval times they became known as severe and feared warriors who savagely fought in many victorious campaigns spreading…
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