
Are you interested in history of the Middle Ages? The Crusades belong to this part of human history. The term Crusades covers amongst others bloody fights against Muslims, pagans, and heretics – all in the name of God. A crusader could be easily recognized by distinctive signs: the cross and typical arms. You will find crusader costumes, weapons, shields, armour, belts or figures in this section.

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The Crusades took place at the initiative of the pope. The Knights of the Cross fought against Muslims, pagans, and heretics in the name of God. Only expeditions to Jerusalem were formerly marked as the Crusades. Later this designation began using to all expeditions against the enemies of Christians. The Knights of the Cross were volunteers. Forgiveness of sins was promised them. Participation in the expedition was condition. The Knights of the Cross composed promise and were identified by the sign of the cross.

The Crusades against Muslims was nine. Pope Urban II declared the first crusade in the 11th century. Last (ninth) crusade against Muslims took place in the 13th century. Then the crusades were organized only on the European continent - against heretics and pagans.

Several military orders were created during the crusades: Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Knights Templar, Order of Saint Lazarus, Order of Mountjoy, Hospitallers of Saint Thomas of Canterbury at Acre, Teutonic Knights.

Many filmmakers and writers keep returning to the theme of the Knights of the Cross and the Crusades. This topic is still interesting and fascinating. If you are interested in the history of the Crusades, you will be interested in products in our e-shop, of course. You can find here costumes of the Knights of the Cross, weapons, armor, shields, belts, or figurines of the Knights of the Cross.