The Celts

The Celts are common ancestors of most Europeans. Maybe this is why we are still interested and fascinated by the Celtic culture. We like jewellery with Celtic symbols and clothes with Celtic ornaments even today. Many interesting Celtic mysteries were discovered by historians, but there are still many secrets that will probably remain hidden forever. If you are interested in ancient times of the Celts, you will surely like our Celtic costumes, weapons, knives and many pro product that are presented in this category.

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The Celts

The Celts lived in almost whole Europe in ancient times. Group of Celtic tribes shared the same language, culture and religion. The Celtic culture reached its peak between the 6th and the 1st century BC. Then the Celts were defeated by smaller, but better organized Romans. They were adapted to the Roman culture, or were pushed out to Scotland and Ireland. One of the consequences of Roman triumph was the fact that the Celts accepted Christianity. People still speak Celtic languages in Western Europe: Welsh, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic and Breton.

Specific group of Celts were the Gauls. They inhabited the area called Gaul (today's France, Belgium, Switzerland and northern Italy) and spoke Gaulish language. They lived in small villages and were held for peaceful farmers. They began to build cities after the arrival of the Romans. We can divide the community of Gauls into three groups: common people, druids and warrior nobility.

Druids were Celtic clerics whose word was crucial for the whole community. They understood astronomy and astrology. They were prominent politicians and natural healers. Druids knew the secrets of plants and herbs. They worshiped the nature, especially trees. They were the only persons who were allowed to enter sacred oak groves. It is said that if man wanted to become a druid, he had to study up to 20 years.

If you are attracted by Celtic culture, you will surely like many Celtic artefacts offered in our internet store. Look at the beautiful Celtic costumes, Celtic weapons, Celtic armour, shoes, leather products, forged products and other items with Celtic background.