
Are you longing for that are inspired by ancient Gothic times? So our Crakowes with long points are just what you're looking for! Crakowes were shoes in different sizes, colours; they were decorated or simple. They were started to be worn in the 13th century. Choose the right Gothic shoes in our wide range!

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This pointed shoes started to be used in Krakow in the 13th century. Hard-wearing shoes with solid sole appear at that time. This new type of footwear pushed medieval peasant’s shoes (shoes used among rural and poor people) out gradually. These shoes “Crakowes” were named after the city Krakow.

Crakowes were worn by both women and men. Points of these shoes were really extravagant dimensions in in the High Gothic. They must often to be fastened to the leg below the knee to the move of the legs were not too limited.

Many various types of Crakowes, pointed shoes, can be found in our wide range. But you can take a look also at our other historical shoes, e.g. medieval shoes for men or for women. Maybe you will be enthused by our gothic costumes.