Open fire cookware

Will you go to some historical festival, where you will worry about preparing lunch? So our historical replicas of caldrons will suit you. Our offer has various sizes of caldrons and camp tableware. So it will depend only on the fact for how many people you will cook. You will find also skewers or fireplace tools here.

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Open fire cookware

You lost yourself in bygone era. Enjoy the medieval atmosphere. Soup from our open fire cookware will certainly have a different flavour than the soup from the pot of your home. You can use also hand-forged fire steel or historical forged cutlery from our offer to making a fire.

The caldrons are large metal pots designed for cooking over an open fire. They usually have an arc-shaped hanger to they could be hanged over the fire. The caldrons were made by specialist boiler smiths from black or copper plate.

Our open fire cookware can be used as requisites not only during different historical festivals, but also theatrical performances and film screenings. Caldrons were not used only by tramps, vagabonds or soldiers, but also withes during their magical rituals. They cooked love potions and other intoxicant drinks in them. And what will you cook?