
Are you interested in historical re-enactment and historical fencing? Are you a collector of replicated historical weapons? Then you will be surely excited about our beautiful rapiers presented here. Take a look at our rapiers with swept hilts, rapiers with shell hilts, rapiers with cup hilts or baldrics and hangers. Extend your collection, get armed for the duel!

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Rapier is designation for a weapon that is similar to a smallsword. It is a thrusting bladed weapon. It has a typical hilt and blade. The Rapier is a relatively long-bladed sword characterized by a complex hilt providing the wielding hand protection against cuts and stabs of the opponent’s weapon. Its blade is thin and light.

The use of heavy plate armor and up-that-time existing types of bladed weapons began to lose importance after the invention of firearms. Nevertheless small swords and rapiers held their popularity in this time. The rapiers were used mainly in Early Modern Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries. Characteristic attribute for the rapier is a thinner (and often longer) blade than in the case of the smallsword. However, the terms smallsword and rapier sometimes describe the same weapon.

The rapiers are lightweight and easy to use. Therefore, they were popular among cavaliers and the civilian population. The rapiers were used in duels, not in the war. They were often supplemented with daggers. Special sets (rapier + dagger) with the same way of decoration were also produced at that time. The rapier was replaced by lighter small rapier in the 18th century.

You will find rapiers with swept hilts, rapiers with shell hilts, rapiers with cup hilts or baldrics and hangers in our online store.