
The Gambeson, also called Gambison or Aketon is a quilted, filled garment, which was worn under a steel armor or a chain mail tunic. Every knight or fighter was equipped with such a garment in the Middle Ages. It increased the wearing comfort of chain mail armour and could also dampen opposing shocks, thus reducing the risk of injury.

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Today the Gambesons are worn directly underneath the steel parts or chain mail shirt so that the cold metal is not directly on the skin. Enemy blows could be dampened by a gambeson very well. This padded garment protects against bruises, bone fractures, bruises and scrapes. Since there is no direct skin contact with the armor, the padded fabric reduces the risk of injury.

The Gambeson consisted first of several layers of linen cloth stuffed with materials, such as raw cotton, fabric residues, etc., in order to ensure an even better damping to the armor. While blows of the sword have been well intercepted, this outfit does not protect against stitches.

Combined with a leather belt, it is the best combat equipment for the next medieval event. Through the quilted and stitched materials, the Gambeson also provides warmth on the upper body so that no jacket or jacket is needed. While the original models were made without sleeves, we also offer pieces with sleeves for an even warmer feeling. The front closure is either made of leather or has several leather straps. Since there are several closures on a row, the Gambeson cannot be simply undone in a battle.

Evidently from the 15th century the Gambeson was often replaced by the Brigantine (by Brigant: Kriegsknecht), here small armor plates of metal or other robust materials were sewn between the cloth or leather layers. As the forerunner of this "middle way" between the textile equipment and the harness, the highly medieval platerock is often regarded.